Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Unbearable Bubur Chacha

Star Q

It is my third day here at Glory Beach Resort in the seaside town of Port Dickson and so far, I have been refraining myself from having to say unfavourable things about this place.  I have tried really enough to the point that I am almost bursting at the seams.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Cat That Waits

Star Q

Once you take care of animals as your pets, cats especially, they become loyal to you albeit the occasional show of tantrums and disobedience once in a while.  But that is only to expected of these loving pets that we adore.

After Two Years.....

Can't believe that I have been too busy to write that I have actually left this blog untouched for two long years.  A lot of thing...